Sunday, August 03, 2008


Another sunday spent at work! Three cheers for the hardworking people! Haha. Anyhoot, it's august already. That just means one thing. I am going to age another year. Haha. Oh and of course, august 8, 2008. A lot of people are getting married this month, am pretty sure!

So anyway, I gotta straighten up and re-examine my road to financial bliss. Is there work which you actually don't have to work hard at? Not that I'm not happy about where I am now, it's just there are so many things I want to explore, so many things I want to do, but what the hell, this is cliche. I'm sure a bazillion other people have said this. So now, here I am, job-hunting once again, getting out of my comfy chair and exploring other possibilities. As they say in interviews, "exploratory mode". I've done a lot of interviews, I'm not nervous anymore. Unless of course they want to eat me alive or something.

Suggestions? Mere thoughts? Share 'em with me. Haha. Oh yeah, and job openings! Haha

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